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ACS Applied Biomaterials

eISSN: 2576-6422

ACS Applied Bio Materials is an interdisciplinary journal publishing original research covering all aspects of biomaterials and biointerfaces including and beyond the traditional biosensing, biomedical and therapeutic applications.

The journal is devoted to reports of new and original experimental and theoretical research of an applied nature that integrates knowledge in the areas of materials, engineering, physics, bioscience, and chemistry into important bio applications. The journal is specifically interested in work that addresses the relationship between structure and function and assesses the stability and degradation of materials under relevant environmental and biological conditions.

Sample research topics:

  • Inorganic, hybrid, and organic materials for bio applications
  • Antibacterial/antimicrobial and anticancer materials
  • Biofouling and antifouling materials
  • Biomolecular imaging/sensing materials
  • Biomimetic materials
  • Self-healing materials and bio-assembly materials
  • Sustainable biomaterials
  • Novel approaches to synthesis of new and existing materials for drug delivery/targeting, photodynamic/photothermal therapy.
  • Materials for Bioenergy and biocatalysis
  • Bioaerosols
  • Bioelectronics materials & devices
  • Biomaterials for environmental and water safety applications
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ACS Applied Electronic Materials

eISSN: 2637-6113

ACS Applied Electronic Materials is an interdisciplinary journal publishing original research covering all aspects of electronic materials. The journal is devoted to reports of new and original experimental and theoretical research of an applied nature that integrate knowledge in the areas of materials science, engineering, optics, physics, and chemistry into important applications of electronic materials. Sample research topics that span the journal's scope are inorganic, organic, ionic, and polymeric materials with properties that include conducting, semiconducting, superconducting, insulating, dielectric, magnetic, optoelectronic, piezoelectric, ferroelectric, and thermoelectric.
Example applications include:
• Diodes and transistors
• Memory devices and memristors
• Energy storage
• Optoelectronic devices
• Spintronic devices
• Photonic & plasmonic devices
• Molecular devices
• Flexible devices
• Sensors/detectors and Quantum detectors
• Quantum computing
• Soft actuators
• Electromechanical systems
• Bioelectronics
• Neuromorphic system
• Solid-state battery and supercapacitor
• Power devices
• Subthreshhold electronics
• Theory, modeling, and simulation of electronic materials
• Micro/nano-electronic fabrication and
• Other novel preparation and characterization of electronic materials and devices

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ACS Applied Energy Materials

eISSN: 2574-0962

ACS Applied Energy Materials is an interdisciplinary journal publishing original research covering aspects of materials, engineering, chemistry, physics, and biology relevant to sustainable applications in energy conversion and storage. 

Sample research topics that span the journal's scope for energy storage applications:

  • Electrode and membrane materials for various energy applications
  • Solid state batteries, fuel cells, supercapacitors, and redox flow batteries
  • Energy conversion applications include new inorganic, hybrid, catalytic, and/or organic materials
  • Thermoelectrics
  • Photovoltaics
  • Photo-electrosynthesis cells

Submissions that are NOT suitable for ACS Applied Energy Materials:

  • Reports that are essentially reporting data or applications of data
  • Low power energy conversion materials, such as piezoelectric materials
  • Luminescent materials & devices
  • Studies of traditional fossil fuel
  • Energetic/explosive materials for military applications
  • Photodegradation of environmental pollutants

All submissions are subject to critical, anonymous peer review. It is to be understood that the final decision relating to a manuscript's suitability rests solely with the Editor.

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ACS Applied Engineering Materials

ISSN: 2771-9545eISSN: 2771-9545

ACS Applied Engineering Materials is an international and interdisciplinary forum devoted to original research covering all aspects of engineered materials, complementing the ACS Applied Materials portfolio. Papers that describe theory, simulation, modeling, or machine learning assisted design of materials and that provide new insights into engineering applications are welcomed.

The scope of ACS Applied Engineering Materials includes high quality research of an applied nature that integrates knowledge in materials science, engineering, physics, mechanics, and chemistry. 

Examples of materials and applications that fit the scope of the journal include:


  • Adaptive and reconfigurable materials
  • Bioinspired materials
  • Biomaterials
  • Carbon and 2D materials
  • Ceramics and composites
  • Foams and emulsions
  • Intermetallics
  • Membranes
  • Metals, liquid metals, and alloys
  • Polymers and plastics
  • Porous materials
  • Smart and stimuli responsive materials
  • Structural and high strength materials
  • Textiles and fibers


  • 3D printing and additive manufacturing
  • Adhesion or adhesion prevention
  • Anti-corrosion
  • Bioengineering
  • Biotechnology and healthcare
  • Catalysis
  • Environmental remediation and protection
  • Friction, wear, and lubrication
  • Materials designed for a circular economy
  • Materials for use in extreme environments
  • Packaging
  • Scaffolds
  • Separations
  • Structural materials
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ACS Applied Materials and Interfaces

ISSN: 1944-8244eISSN: 1944-8252

ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces serves the interdisciplinary community of chemists, engineers, physicists, and biologists focusing on how newly discovered materials and interfacial processes can be developed and used for specific applications. The editors are proud of the rapid growth of the journal since its inception in 2009, both in terms of the number of published articles and the impact of the research reported in those articles. ACS AMI is also truly international, with the majority of published articles now coming from outside the United States, capturing the rapid growth in applied research around the globe. Details about the journal article types and submission requirements may be found in the Author Guidelines.

The following journal TOC sections provide a high-level guide to the journal scope:

  • Biological and medical applications of materials and interfaces
  • Energy, environmental, and catalysis applications
  • Functional inorganic materials and devices
  • Organic electronic devices
  • Functional nanostructured materials (including low-d carbon)
  • Applications of polymer, composite, and coating materials
  • Surfaces, interfaces, and applications

ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, with its focus on applications, complements the portfolio of existing ACS publications focusing on fundamental materials science discovery, including Chemistry of Materials, Langmuir, Biomacromolecules, Macromolecules, The Journal of Physical Chemistry B and C, The Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters, ACS Energy Letters, and ACS Photonics.

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ACS Applied Nano Material

eISSN: 2574-0970

ACS Applied Nano Materials is an interdisciplinary journal publishing original research covering all aspects of engineering, chemistry, physics, and biology relevant to applications of nanomaterials. The journal is devoted to reports of new and original experimental and theoretical research of an applied nature that integrate knowledge in the areas of materials, engineering, physics, bioscience, and chemistry into important applications of nanomaterials.

Sample topics within the scope of this journal:


  • Inorganic, organic and hybrid nanomaterials
  • Quantum dots
  • Metallic and semiconducting nanoparticles
  • Nanowires and nanotubes
  • Self-assembled nanostructures
  • 1- and 2-D materials
  • Nano carbon, graphene, and related materials.


  • Catalysis and photocatalysis
  • Sensors
  • Plasmonics and photonics
  • Biology, nanomedicine and theranostics
  • Energy conversion and storage
  • Nanopatterning and nanotechnology
  • Novel approaches to synthesis of new and existing nanomaterials that have important applications
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ACS Applied Optical Materials

ISSN: 2771-9855eISSN: 2771-9855

ACS Applied Optical Materials is an international and interdisciplinary forum to publish original experimental and theoretical, including simulation and modeling, research in optical materials, complementing the ACS Applied Materials portfolio. With a focus on innovative applications, ACS Applied Optical Materials also complements and expands the scope of existing ACS publications that focus on fundamental aspects of the interaction between light and matter in materials science. 

The scope of ACS Applied Optical Materials includes high quality research of an applied nature that integrates knowledge in materials science, chemistry, physics, optical science, and engineering.

Examples of materials and applications that fit the scope of the journal include:


  • Photonic Crystals
  • Disordered and amorphous photonic materials
  • Structured Colored Materials
  • Phosphors
  • Fluorophores and light-emitting and absorbing materials
  • Metamaterials
  • Semiconductors and Heterostructured materials
  • Low-dimensional Quantum Confined Materials, Quantum dots, wells, and rods
  • Light-Manipulating Micro- and Nanostructures
  • 2-D Materials
  • Carbon materials and Organic Functional Materials
  • Plasmonic materials
  • Photochromes and Electrochromes
  • Up-conversion and Down-conversion Materials
  • MOFs, COFs and HOFs as Optical Materials
  • Perovskites
  • Solar Absorbers and Concentrators


  • LEDs, OLEDs, OLETs and Optically Switchable OLEDs
  • Lasers and Non-Linear Optics
  • Confinement and waveguiding
  • Quantum photonic applications
  • Photochromics and Electrochromics
  • Bio-inspired Optical Materials and Devices
  • Imaging and Bioimaging
  • Detectors, switches and Sensors
  • Optoelectronics, THz Optoelectronics
  • Optical computing and Data Storage
  • Stealth and Chameleon
  • Optical Encryption and Security, Optical Communications
  • Holography, Anti-Forgery, and Physically Unclonable Functions
  • QD electroluminescence
  • Photoluminescent materials and devices
  • Optics in AR, VR, XR systems
  • Color science and applications

Manuscripts that are essentially reporting data or applications of data are, in general, not suitable for publication in ACS Applied Optical Materials. All manuscripts are subject to critical, anonymous peer review. It is to be understood that the final decision relating to a manuscript's suitability rests solely with the Editor.

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ACS Applied Polymer Materials

eISSN: 2637-6105

ACS Applied Polymer Materials is an interdisciplinary journal publishing original research covering all aspects of engineering, chemistry, physics, and biology relevant to applications of polymers.

The journal is devoted to reports of new and original experimental and theoretical research of an applied nature that integrates fundamental knowledge in the areas of materials, engineering, physics, bioscience, polymer science and chemistry into important polymer applications. The journal is specifically interested in work that addresses relationships among structure, processing, morphology, chemistry, properties, and function as well as work that provide insights into mechanisms critical to the performance of the polymer for applications. Sample research topics that span the journal's scope are but not limited to:

  • Polymer applications in energy storage and conversion
  • Separations
  • Membranes
  • Adhesives
  • Functional coatings
  • Sensing
  • Adaptive and reconfigurable materials

The journal also considers novel approaches to the synthesis of new and existing polymers that are designed for specific applications.

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ACS Bio & Med Chem Au

eISSN: 2694-2437

ACS Bio & Med Chem Au is an open access journal publishing work on all aspects of biological and medicinal chemistry. Studies providing fundamental insights or describing novel syntheses, as well as clinical or other applications-based work, are welcomed. The broad scope includes experimental and theoretical studies on the chemical, physical, mechanistic, and/or structural basis of biological or cell function, as well as medicinal chemistry and infection disease research.

Biological chemistry and chemical biology

  • Chemical biology
  • Enzymology
  • Metallobiochemistry
  • Synthetic biology
  • Disease biology
  • Cell biology
  • Agriculture and food
  • Natural products research
  • Nucleic acid biology
  • Neuroscience
  • Structural biology
  • Biophysics

Medicinal Chemistry

  • Compound design and optimization
  • Biological evaluation
  • Molecular mechanistic understanding of drug delivery and drug delivery systems
  • Imaging agents
  • Pharmacology and translational science of small and large bioactive molecules
  • Novel computational, cheminformatics, and structural studies for the identification (or structure-activity relationship analysis) of bioactive molecules, ligands, and their targets
    • Computational studies applying established methods will be considered only in combination with novel experimental data (e.g., in cases where new compounds have been designed and tested).

Infectious Disease Research

  • Pathogens
  • Host-pathogen interactions
  • Therapeutics
  • Diagnostics
  • Vaccines
  • Drug-delivery systems
  • Other biomedical technology development pertaining to infectious diseases
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ACS Biomaterials Science & Engineering

eISSN: 2373-9878

ACS Biomaterials Science & Engineering is the leading journal in the field of biomaterials, serving as an international forum for publishing cutting-edge research and innovative ideas on a broad range of topics:

  • Applications and Health – implantable tissues and devices, prosthesis, health risks, toxicology
  • Bio-interactions and Bio-compatibility – material-biology interactions, chemical/morphological/structural communication, mechanobiology, signaling and biological responses, immuno-engineering, calcification, coatings, corrosion and degradation of biomaterials and devices, biophysical regulation of cell functions
  • Characterization, Synthesis, and Modification – new biomaterials, bioinspired and biomimetic approaches to biomaterials, exploiting structural hierarchy and architectural control, combinatorial strategies for biomaterials discovery, genetic biomaterials design, synthetic biology, new composite systems, bionics, polymer synthesis
  • Controlled Release and Delivery Systems – biomaterial-based drug and gene delivery, bio-responsive delivery of regulatory molecules, pharmaceutical engineering
  • Healthcare Advances – clinical translation, regulatory issues, patient safety, emerging trends
  • Imaging and Diagnostics – imaging agents and probes, theranostics, biosensors, monitoring
  • Manufacturing and Technology – 3D printing, inks, organ-on-a-chip, bioreactor/perfusion systems, microdevices, BioMEMS, optics and electronics interfaces with biomaterials, systems integration
  • Modeling and Informatics Tools – scaling methods to guide biomaterial design, predictive algorithms for structure-function, biomechanics, integrating bioinformatics with biomaterials discovery, metabolomics in the context of biomaterials
  • Tissue Engineering and Regenerative Medicine – basic and applied studies, cell therapies, scaffolds, vascularization, bioartificial organs, transplantation and functionality, cellular agriculture
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ACS Catalysis

eISSN: 2155-5435

The preeminent comprehensive catalysis journal. 

ACS Catalysis is dedicated to publishing original research on heterogeneous catalysis, homogeneous catalysis, and biocatalysis. ACS Catalysis includes both experimental and theoretical research on molecules, macromolecules and materials that are catalytic in nature, that is, they exhibit catalytic turnover.

Wide-ranging coverage of catalysis includes, but is not limited to:

  • drug discovery and synthesis
  • electrochemistry
  • energy and fuels
  • life sciences
  • materials science
  • organometallics and synthesis
  • photochemistry
  • polymer discovery and synthesis
  • synthesis of organic, medicinal, and bio-organic molecules

Potential authors are encouraged to read our instructive Editorials for guidance as well as the manuscript submission requirements checklist.

All manuscripts are subject to critical, anonymous peer review. It is to be understood that the final decision relating to a manuscript’s suitability rests solely with the Editor.

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ACS Central Science

eISSN: 2374-7951

ACS Central Science publishes the most compelling, important primary reports on research in chemistry and in allied fields, wherein chemical approaches play a key role. It is also the first fully open access journal published by the American Chemical Society. 

The term "central science" is frequently used to describe chemistry's focal role in bridging the physical and life sciences, and the basic sciences with applied disciplines such as medicine and engineering.

ACS Central Science is a multi- and inter-disciplinary journal that publishes articles of exceptional quality and interest to the broad chemistry and scientific community. The journal addresses important advances in fundamental areas of chemistry, as well as applied and interdisciplinary research highlighting the seminal role of chemistry in a wide range of other scientific disciplines. The journal considers submissions in core fields such as, but not limited to:

  • Analytical, physical, inorganic, and organic chemistry
  • Biological and medicinal chemistry, and biotechnology
  • Sustainable and environmental chemistry
  • Computational and theoretical chemistry
  • Materials and nanoscience
  • Energy and catalysis
  • Chemical engineering
  • Earth, atmospheric and space chemistry
  • Chemical education

The journal also publishes inter- and multidisciplinary research applicable to allied fields across the physical sciences, life sciences, engineering, medicine, and beyond. 

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ACS Chemical Biology

ISSN: 1554-8929eISSN: 1554-8937

ACS Chemical Biology provides an international forum for the rapid communication of research that broadly embraces the interface between chemistry and biology.

The journal also serves as a forum to facilitate the communication between biologists and chemists that will translate into new research opportunities and discoveries. Results will be published in which molecular reasoning has been used to probe questions through in vitro investigations, cell biological methods, or organismic studies.

We welcome mechanistic studies on proteins, nucleic acids, sugars, lipids, and nonbiological polymers. The journal serves a large scientific community, exploring cellular function from both chemical and biological perspectives. It is understood that submitted work is based upon original results and has not been published previously.

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ACS Chemical Health & Safety

ISSN: 1871-5532eISSN: 1878-0504

While safety permeates all ACS journals, it benefits from its preeminence in ACS Chemical Health & Safety where its authors influence chemical safety and guide tomorrow’s science. Chemical safety research can be transformational and innovative, and it can also focus on practice and be narrowly scoped. This includes foundational datasets or variations on well-studied themes because they hold value to those working with hazardous materials. ACS Chemical Health & Safety provides the opportunity to publish across all these areas. As a discipline, chemical health and safety does not limit itself to laboratories and chemical facilities, and our authors are more than just chemists and chemical engineers; they are scientists with broad research backgrounds and members of the public from many disciplines, including environmental safety and health professionals, industrial hygienists, public health professionals, safety policy makers, human factors specialists, and more. 

Refer to Author Guidelines for detailed topic lists. Sample topics that span the journal's scope include:

  • Fundamental chemical safety research and datasets
  • Chemical health safety and security warnings
  • Chemical risk assessment and management for all settings (e.g., laboratory, industrial, educational, public spaces, etc.)
  • Other topics that influence chemical safety and guide tomorrow’s science (e.g., occupational safety, regulatory, emergency response, training/education, etc.)

Manuscripts relating to commercial products are welcome, provided that they are not advertisements. 

Topics that address new medical approaches (e.g., those utilizing nano materials to deliver targeted drug therapies) and environmental contaminates will be considered but are not regularly accepted for peer review because we believe the topics could be better served by the journals that specialize in those fields.

All manuscripts are subject to critical, anonymous peer review. The final decision relating to a manuscript’s suitability for the journal rests solely with the Editor.

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ACS Chemical Neuroscience

eISSN: 1948-7193

ACS Chemical Neuroscience publishes high-quality research articles and reviews that showcase chemical, quantitative biological, biophysical and bioengineering approaches to the understanding of the nervous system and to the development of new treatments for neurological disorders. Research in the journal focuses on aspects of chemical neurobiology and bio-neurochemistry such as the following:

  • Neurotransmitters and receptors
  • Neuropharmaceuticals and therapeutics
  • Neural development—Plasticity, and degeneration
  • Chemical, physical, and computational methods in neuroscience
  • Neuronal diseases—basis, detection, and treatment
  • Mechanism of aging, learning, memory, and behavior
  • Pain and sensory processing
  • Neurotoxins
  • Neuroscience-inspired bioengineering
  • Development of methods in chemical neurobiology
  • Neuroimaging agents and technologies
  • Animal models for central nervous system diseases
  • Behavioral research

Research articles reporting the identification of general principles that govern how information is processed by neuronal circuits; or using genetic model systems in conjunction with computational biology, imaging, electrophysiological, and computational neuroscience (neuroinformatics) are also welcomed.

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eISSN: 2837-1402

ACS ES&T Air welcomes novel, cutting-edge, and globally relevant original research on all aspects of outdoor and indoor air quality sciences and engineering. The journal focuses on investigations of air chemistry and physics, air pollution, and climate change that impact human and ecosystem health, encompassing laboratory and in-situ measurements, remote sensing observations, and computational and modeling studies. Specific topics of interest may include (but are not limited to):

  • Chemical, physical, and biological processes in the atmosphere
  • Gases, aerosols, and clouds
  • Climate change and air quality across scales
  • Health impacts of air pollution
  • Effects of air pollution on ecosystems
  • Atmosphere-biosphere interactions
  • Atmosphere-hydrosphere interactions
  • Air pollution sources, control technologies and atmospheric implications
  • Advances in instrumentation, model development, and remote sensing techniques
  • Indoor air chemistry and air quality
  • Science/Policy interface
  • Air quality in disproportionately impacted communities
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ACS ES&T Water

eISSN: 2690-0637

ACS ES&T Water is a high-quality specialist journal dedicated to water research and policy. This international, multidisciplinary journal publishes novel, high-impact, peer-reviewed research on all aspects of water quality, chemistry, treatment, protection, and sustainable use/reuse and supply. The Journal considers both marine and freshwater environments as well as water utilized for industrial and municipal applications. ACS ES&T Water's multi-disciplinary research focus also welcomes other water-related research fields. Manuscripts describing public policy and the underlying science utilized for decision making are also encouraged. Specific topics of interest may include (but are not limited to) the following areas:

  • Water quality and the transformation, transport, and behavior of contaminants in aquatic environments (groundwater, surface water, snow/ice, precipitation, and marine water) and engineered systems
  • Water/wastewater treatment and innovative technologies, including biological, physical, chemical, and natural processes
  • Sustainable water supply, reuse, and integrated water resource management
  • Industrial water systems and process water treatment
  • Marine, estuarine, and freshwater biogeochemistry and ecology
  • Direct and indirect impacts of climate change on water sustainability
  • Remediation and restoration of natural aquatic systems
  • Innovative technologies for water quality monitoring and spatial vulnerability assessments
  • Modelling groundwater, surface water and marine flow and contaminant fate and transport
  • Spatial data on global and local water supply and water quality monitoring data trends.
  • Water quality impacts on human and environmental health, including pathogen, chemical, and physical stressors
  • Risk assessment and regulatory frameworks
  • Life-cycle assessments and economic impact calculations, and social science implications
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ACS ES&T engineering

eISSN: 2690-0645

ACS ES&T Engineering publishes high-impact research and review/perspective/viewpoint articles. It is a specialist journal that aims to serve as an international forum for research and innovation, welcoming contributions on materials, technologies, processes, data analytics and engineering systems that can manage, protect, and remediate air, water, and soil quality, treat wastes, and recover resources. Research contributions that support effective decision-making within complex engineered systems and are informed by mechanistic science and analytics that describe complex environmental engineering systems are encouraged. Papers that present novel, innovative advancements will be considered across the continuum from lab-based discovery to field-based application. Case/demonstration studies without significant scientific advances and technological innovations will not be considered. Papers containing experimental and/or theoretical methods and knowledge grounded in engineering principles that are integrated with core knowledge from other disciplines are welcome. Specific topics may include (but are not limited to) the following environmental engineering areas:

  • Novel materials, technologies, processes, data analytical methods, and systems that:
    • evaluate, protect and remediate air, water, and soil quality
    • solve or address multiple emerging environmental issues at various nexuses
  • (e.g., energy, material, sustainability, public health)
  • Novel separation, desalination, and resource recovery technologies
  • Environmental nanotechnology and biotechnology
  • Environmental catalysis for pollution abatement and cleaner sustainable processes
  • Redox processes for engineering applications
  • Waste management, treatment, valorization, and waste-to-energy
  • Environmental technologies developed for monitoring, sensing, and assessing environmental exposure & hazards
  • Macroscopic and microscopic mechanisms that inform environmental engineering systems
  • Novel analytical and simulation methods (e.g., data-driven science, artificial intelligence, machine learning, data scraping) for environmental engineering application 

The Journal does NOT cover the following areas if they are presented as solitary topics and without making their connection to engineered systems or technological innovation clear:

  • Environmental policy and regulation as a solitary focus (i.e., papers about the impact of engineered systems on the environment and health, and policy/regulation implications are considered within scope as long as outcomes link to advancements around the engineered system as a central theme of the paper)
  • Characterization and monitoring of the environment as a solitary focus
  • Fate and transport of contaminants and biogeochemical cycling
  • Ecotoxicology and environmental health
  • Atmospheric chemistry and processes, climate change
  • Environmental chemistry as a primary focus (e.g., fundamental reaction mechanisms). However, environmental chemistry works that are necessary to demonstrate or understand engineering technologies or engineered systems may be suitable.
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ACS Earth and Space Chemistry

eISSN: 2472-3452

The scope of ACS Earth and Space Chemistry includes the application of analytical, experimental, and theoretical chemistry to investigate research questions relevant to the Earth and Space. The journal encompasses the highly interdisciplinary nature of research in this area, while emphasizing chemistry and chemical research tools as the unifying theme. The journal publishes broadly in the domains of high- and low-temperature geochemistry, atmospheric chemistry, marine chemistry, planetary chemistry, astrochemistry, and analytical geochemistry.

Among the areas the journal covers are:

Earth Interior

  • High pressure experiments
  • Core and mantle investigations
  • Studies of planetary Interiors
  • Mineral-melt phase equilibria, partitioning, and kinetics
  • Mineralogy and mineral physics
  • Igneous and metamorphic petrology, petrogenesis, and geochronology

Earth Surface

  • Mineral-microbe-water reactions, thermodynamics, and kinetics
  • Reactive transport modeling and colloid transport
  • Multiscale science and scaling of geochemical and biogeochemical reactions


  • Atmospheric composition and reaction pathways
  • Chemistry-climate interactions
  • Biogeochemical cycles


  • Chemical fluxes and marine trace element chemistry
  • Effects of global change on marine chemistry and the cryosphere
  • Chemistry of the paleo-environment


  • Chemistry of planetary atmospheres and surfaces
  • Investigations of meteorites and tektites
  • Properties of cometary and interstellar materials
  • Spectroscopy and chemistry of stars, interstellar clouds, and planetary formation


  • Analytical methods for characterization of Earth and Space materials
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ACS Electrochemistry

eISSN: 2997-0571

ACS Electrochemistry is an international forum for high-quality, cutting-edge original research in all areas of electrochemistry. The journal aspires to provide a platform for the diverse communities of scientists practicing electrochemistry to address global challenges. The journal welcomes submissions across fundamental, applied, experimental and theoretical aspects of electrochemistry research.

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ACS Energy Letters

eISSN: 2380-8195

ACS Energy Letters is a monthly peer-reviewed journal that publishes new scientific advances in all aspects of energy research that are of interest to scientists working in the fundamental, and applied sciences. A central criterion to acceptance is that the paper reports sufficiently new results such that rapid publication is essential. 

The journal maintains one of the most rapid publication times in the field (average 4-6 weeks from submission to web publication in ASAP -As Soon As Publishable- format). ACS Energy Letters is currently ranked within the top 10 journals for the Web of Science Electrochemistry, Physical Chemistry, Energy & Fuels, and Nanoscience & Nanotechnology categories. 

Journal editors and staff routinely attend major scientific conferences, and are eager to discuss with readers and authors, and the journal maintains an active presence on social media. 

The following topics are examples within the scope of ACS Energy Letters:

  • Storage Batteries and Supercapacitors
  • Solar Cells (for example, Perovskite, Quantum Dots, Organic Photovoltaics and Tandem)
  • Solar Fuels (Hydrogen, CO2 and N2 reduction) and Biofuels
  • Energy Materials (Quantum Dots and Light Harvesting Assemblies)
  • LED and Display Devices
  • Fuel Cells and Redox Flow Batteries
  • Photo- and Electro- Chemical/Catalytic Processes
  • Desalination and Electrolyzers

Reviewers of ACS Energy Letters manuscripts will be asked the following questions:

  • Is the manuscript likely to interest a substantial number of energy researchers, not just specialists working in the authors' specialized area of research?
  • Are the conclusions adequately supported with appropriate data, control experiments, and statistics?

How does the manuscript rank in terms of urgency, significance, novelty, and scholarly presentation?

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ACS Engineering Au

eISSN: 2694-2488

ACS Engineering Au is an open access journal reporting significant advances in chemical engineering, applied chemistry, and energy, covering fundamentals, processes, and products. The journal's broad scope includes experimental, theoretical, mathematical, computational, chemical, and physical research from academic and industrial settings. Topics include:

  • Fundamental research in thermodynamics, transport phenomena (flow, mixing, mass & heat transfer), chemical reaction kinetics and engineering, catalysis, separations, interfacial phenomena, and materials
  • Process design, development, and intensification (e.g., process technologies for chemicals and materials, synthesis and design methods, process intensification, multiphase reactors, microwave, cavitation, scale-up, systems analysis, process control, data correlation schemes, modeling, machine learning, Artificial Intelligence)
  • Product research and development involving chemical and engineering aspects (e.g., catalysts, plastics, elastomers, fibers, adhesives, coatings, paper, membranes, lubricants, ceramics, aerosols, fluidic devices, intensified process equipment)
  • Energy and fuels (e.g., pre-treatment, processing, and utilization of renewable energy resources; processing and utilization of fuels; properties and structure or molecular composition of both raw fuels and refined products; fuel cells, hydrogen, batteries; photochemical fuel and energy production; decarbonization; electrification)
  • Measurement techniques, computational models, and data on thermo-physical, thermodynamic, and transport properties of materials and phase equilibrium behavior
  • New methods, models, and tools (e.g., real-time data analytics, multi-scale models, physics informed machine learning models, machine learning enhanced physics-based models, soft sensors, high-performance computing)
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ACS Environmental Au

eISSN: 2694-2518

ACS Environmental Au is an open access journal publishing experimental research and theoretical results in all aspects of environmental science and technology, both fundamental and applied. Topics include:

  • Alternative energy
  • Anthropogenic impacts on atmosphere, soil, or water
  • Biogeochemical cycling
  • Biomass or wastes as resources
  • Contaminants in aquatic and terrestrial environments
  • Environmental applications and implications of synthetic biology
  • Environmental data science
  • Environmental justice and equality
  • Ecotoxicology and public health
  • Energy and climate
  • Environmental modeling, processes, and measurement methods and technologies
  • Environmental nanotechnology and biotechnology
  • Green chemistry
  • Green manufacturing and engineering
  • Risk assessment, regulatory frameworks, and life-cycle assessments
  • Systems engineering and quantitative sustainability
  • Treatment and resource recovery and waste management
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ACS Infectious Diseases

eISSN: 2373-8227

ACS Infectious Diseases is the first journal to highlight chemistry and its role in the multidisciplinary and collaborative field of infectious disease research. With editors well-versed in both chemistry and the biology of infectious diseases, the journal aims to bridge the gap between these two disciplines. ACS Infectious Diseases welcomes submission of articles reporting investigations into chemistry and biology of infectious diseases, and encourages discussions centered on specific pathogen- and disease-related issues relating to bacteria, viruses, parasites, and fungi.

Topics covered by the journal include but are not limited to the following:

  • Therapeutics
  • Diagnostics
  • Anti-infective Biomaterials and Drug Delivery Systems
  • Drug Resistance
  • Pathogens and Host-Pathogen Interactions
  • Vaccines
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ACS Macro Letters

eISSN: 2161-1653

ACS Macro Letters is the leading forum for the dissemination of urgent macromolecular and bio-macromolecular research. ACS Macro Letters welcomes research across many fields, from chemistry to physics to biology, including polymer engineering, polymer processing, and applications of polymers. Submissions to ACS Macro Letters typically contain strong elements of innovation and important experimental/theoretical approaches that demonstrate a fundamental advance in the understanding of polymers.

Topics covered by ACS Macro Letters include, but are not exclusively limited to:

  • Polymers in catalysis and biocatalysis
  • Advanced mechanics and rheology of polymer-based systems
  • Polymer and composite membranes
  • Supramolecular polymers and macromolecular assembly
  • Polymer bioconjugates
  • Carbohydrate and biobased polymers (polypeptides)
  • Biomimetic polymers
  • Polymer composites and nanocomposites
  • Computational techniques
  • Polymer networks and gels
  • Diagnostic imaging and biosensing
  • Polymer glasses
  • Dynamic and stimuli-responsive macromolecules
  • Polymerization/depolymerization
  • Electronic, optical, magnetic, and spin-active macromolecules
  • Polymers for advanced manufacturing, e.g., 3D printing
  • Machine learning and artificial intelligence in polymer science
  • Polymers for drug/gene delivery
  • Nonlinear and block polymers
  • Polymers for energy applications
  • Porous polymers
  • Polymers for membrane applications
  • Sustainable and circular polymers
  • Polymers for regenerative engineering
  • Analysis and characterization of novel polymers
  • Polymer design and synthesis
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ACS Materials Au

eISSN: 2694-2461

ACS Materials Au is an open access journal publishing high-quality research at the forefront of fundamental and applied research, and at the interface between materials and other disciplines, such as chemistry, engineering, and biology. Manuscripts that showcase multidisciplinary and innovative materials research addressing global challenges are especially welcome. Topics include, but are not limited to:

  • Design, synthesis, characterization, and evaluation of forefront and emerging materials
  • Understanding structure, property, performance relationships and their underlying mechanisms
  • Development of materials for energy, environmental, biomedical, electronic, and catalytic applications
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ACS Materials Letters

eISSN: 2639-4979

ACS Materials Letters publishes high-quality and urgent papers on the forefront of fundamental and applied research at the interface between materials and other disciplines, such as chemistry, engineering, and biology. Papers that showcase multidisciplinary and innovative materials research addressing global challenges are especially welcome. Research areas of interest include, but are not limited to:

  • Design, synthesis, characterization, and evaluation of forefront and emerging materials
  • Understanding of structure, property, performance relationships and their underlying mechanisms
  • Development of materials for energy, environmental, biomedical, electronic, and catalysis applications

ACS Materials Letters is dedicated to publishing the most transformative materials research with very fast processing times.

With the launch of ACS Materials Letters, Chemistry of Materials and ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces will focus exclusively upon publishing full articles and have ceased publishing Letters/Communications.

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ACS Measurement Science Au

eISSN: 2694-250X

ACS Measurement Science Au is an open access journal publishing experimental, computational, or theoretical research in all areas of chemical measurement science. The journal welcomes work on any phase of analytical operations, including sampling, measurement, and data analysis. Papers dealing with established methods need to offer a significantly improved, original application of the method. Topics include:

  • Chemical Reactions and Selectivity
  • Chemometrics and Data Processing
  • Electrochemistry
  • Elemental and Molecular Characterization
  • Imaging
  • Instrumentation
  • Mass Spectrometry
  • Microscale and Nanoscale systems
  • Omics (Genomics, Proteomics, Metabonomics, Metabolomics, and Bioinformatics)
  • Sensors and Sensing (Biosensors, Chemical Sensors, Gas Sensors, Intracellular Sensors, Single-Molecule Sensors, Cell Chips, Arrays, Microfluidic Devices)
  • Separations
  • Spectroscopy
  • Surface analysis
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ACS Medicinal Chemistry Letters

eISSN: 1948-5875

ACS Medicinal Chemistry Letters is interested in receiving manuscripts that discuss various aspects of medicinal chemistry. The journal will publish studies that pertain to a broad range of subject matter, including compound design and optimization, biological evaluation, drug delivery, imaging agents, drug interactome studies, and pharmacology of both small and large bioactive molecules.

Specific areas include but are not limited to:

  • Identification, synthesis, and optimization of lead biologically active molecules and drugs (small molecules and biologics)
  • Biological characterization of new molecular entities in the context of drug discovery towards delineating structure-activity relationship (SAR) trends
  • Computational, cheminformatics, and structural studies for the identification or SAR analysis of bioactive molecules, ligands, and their targets, etc.
  • Use of artificial intelligence and machine learning in drug discovery
  • Novel and improved methodologies, including radiation biochemistry, with broad application to medicinal chemistry if the methods have been tested on relevant molecules. (e.g., DNA-encoded libraries, high-throughput experimentation, high-throughput parallel synthesis- compound library production, fragment-based drug discovery, covalent modulators.)
  • New developments in discovery screening and bioassay technologies for biologically active molecules from both synthetic and natural (plant and other) sources.
  • Chemistry patents relevant to the medicinal chemistry field
  • Studies involving proximity-inducing agents including targeted protein degradation and molecular glues.
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ACS Nano

ISSN: 1936-0851eISSN: 1936-086X

ACS Nano is a forum for the communication of comprehensive articles on nanoscience and nanotechnology research at the interfaces of chemistry, materials science, biology, medicine, physics, and engineering.

In addition to comprehensive, original research articles, ACS Nano offers thorough reviews and perspectives on cutting-edge research, and discussions of topics that provide distinctive views about the future of nanoscience and nanotechnology, including, but not limited to:

  • Synthesis and assembly of nanomaterials and nanostructures
  • Molecular nanotechnology and nanosystems
  • Nanofabrication and nanomanufacturing
  • Energy conversion and storage
  • Nanobiotechnology and nanomedicine
  • Catalysis
  • Nanodevices and systems, nanorobotics
  • Single-molecule, single-atom methods and measurements
  • Nanometrology, nanoscopy, and characterization
  • Theory, simulations & modeling for nanotechnology
  • AI and machine learning for nanotechnology
  • Nanophotonics and plasmonics
  • Nanoelectronics and nano-optoelectronics
  • Quantum materials and technology
  • Interfacial and surface science
  • Carbon capture, hydrogen, and clean electrification
  • Sustainable development through nanotechnology
  • Mechanistic understanding of nano-bio interactions
  • Biomaterials and nano-enhanced bioengineering
  • Environmental health and safety, nanotoxicology
  • Community impact of nanotechnology innovations
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ACS Nanoscience Au

eISSN: 2694-2496

ACS Nanoscience Au is an open access journal publishing original, fundamental, and applied research on nanoscience and nanotechnology research at the interfaces of chemistry, biology, medicine, materials science, physics, and engineering. ACS Nanoscience Au also publishes original experimental and theoretical research of an applied nature that integrates knowledge in the areas of materials, engineering, physics, bioscience, and chemistry into important applications of nanomaterials. Topics include:

  • Synthesis, assembly, characterization, theory, modeling, and simulation of nanostructures, nanomaterials, and nanoscale devices
  • Design, fabrication, and applications of organic, inorganic, polymer, hybrid, and biological nanostructures
  • Experimental and theoretical studies of nanoscale chemical, physical, and biological phenomena
  • Methods and tools for nanoscience and nanotechnology
  • Self- and directed-assembly
  • Zero-, one-, and two-dimensional materials
  • Nanostructures and nano-engineered devices with advanced performance
  • Nanobiotechnology
  • Nanomedicine and nanotoxicology
  • Nano energy
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ACS Omega

eISSN: 2470-1343

ACS Omega publishes new peer-reviewed findings in chemistry and the interfacing sciences, including interdisciplinary studies. The editors seek content supported by sound scientific principles and robust experimental protocols, without a requirement for wider significance. Reports of negative results that meet these expectations are welcome. ACS Omega welcomes work on topics including (but not limited to):

  • Core chemistry (inorganic chemistry, organic chemistry, analytical chemistry, physical chemistry)
  • Agriculture and food chemistry
  • Applied chemistry
  • Astrochemistry
  • Chemical biology, biological chemistry, and medicinal chemistry
  • Catalysis
  • Chemical engineering and industrial chemistry
  • Energy
  • Environmental and sustainable chemistry
  • Materials science
  • Measurement science
  • Nanoscience
  • Polymer science
  • Theoretical and computational chemistry
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ACS Organic & Inorganic Au

eISSN: 2694-247X

ACS Organic & Inorganic Au is an open access journal publishing original experimental and theoretical/computational studies on organic, organometallic, inorganic, crystal growth and engineering, and organic process chemistry. Topics include:

Organic chemistry:

  • Physical and theoretical organic chemistry, including mechanistic studies
  • Natural product isolation, identification, and synthesis
  • New synthetic methodology, including single or multistep reactions, total synthesis and electrosynthesis
  • Bioorganic and medicinal chemistry
  • Materials science: Polymer chemistry and studies on functional molecules and systems

Organometallic chemistry:

  • Synthesis, structure, bonding, chemical reactivity, and reaction mechanisms for a variety of applications, including catalyst design and catalytic processes
  • All aspects of main-group, transition-metal, and lanthanide and actinide metal chemistry
  • Synthetic aspects of polymer science and materials science
  • Bioorganometallic chemistry

Inorganic Chemistry:

  • Coordination chemistry involving transition metals, lanthanides, and actinides
  • Main-group and organometallic chemistry
  • Bioinorganic chemistry
  • Catalyst design and catalytic processes, including electrocatalysis
  • Solid-state/materials/nanoscale chemistry

Organic Process chemistry:

  • Practical applications of organic chemistry that enable the safe, environmentally benign, and ultimately economical manufacturing of organic compounds at large-scale

Crystal Growth and Engineering:

  • Organic, inorganic, hybrid solids, biological substances (e.g., biomineralization)
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ACS Photonics

eISSN: 2330-4022

ACS Photonics is an interdisciplinary forum to communicate on the latest advances in the field of photonics, all the way from basic research to applied research and technology. Embracing the transversality of photonics, it connects scientists and technologists from a broad scientific spectrum, at the interface between physics, chemistry, biology, and engineering. It also aims at bridging the gap between the academic and industrial worlds.


The first goal of ACS Photonics is to publish original and timely research which addresses important questions in the field of photonics. Novelty, high technical quality, significance, potential impact, and readability are among the main criteria considered for acceptance.


Areas targeted by the journal include the following:

  • Nanophotonics, including plasmonics and polaritonics, optical metamaterials and metasurfaces
  • Optical materials, including quantum/topological materials, 2D materials and phase change materials
  • AI for photonics (e.g., inverse design) and photonics for AI (e.g., optical computing)
  • Integrated photonics
  • Light sources including new classes of lasing devices and LED with improved performance and new integration strategies
  • Photodetection including new device principles, device physics and device architectures
  • Nonlinear optics
  • Quantum photonics
  • Photonics-based wearables
  • Virtual and augmented reality
  • Photonics for energy, including photonic enhancement to solar energy harvesting, waste heat harvesting (thermophotovoltaics), and wireless photonic energy transmission
  • Biophotonics, advanced optical imaging, photonics-based biosensing
  • Optical trapping and optical manipulation
  • Optomechanics
  • Fundamentals of light-matter interaction
  • Electron-beam spectroscopies and ultrafast electron microscopy
  • Terahertz Photonics, including devices, imaging and spectroscopy
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ACS Physical Chemistry Au

eISSN: 2694-2445

ACS Physical Chemistry Au is an open access journal publishing original, fundamental, and applied research on all aspects of physical chemistry. The journal publishes new and original experimental, computational, and theoretical research of interest to physical chemists, biophysical chemists, chemical physicists, physicists, material scientists, and engineers. Manuscripts must provide new physical insight or develop new tools and methods of general interest. Some major topical areas include:

  • Molecules, Clusters and Aerosols
  • Biophysics, Biomaterials, Liquids and Soft Matter
  • Energy, Materials and Catalysis
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ACS Polymers Au

eISSN: 2694-2453

ACS Polymers Au is an open access journal publishing original, cutting-edge, and impactful research on all aspects of polymer science and related cross-disciplinary areas. The journal publishes all areas of macromolecular and soft matter science and their applications, including:

  • Polymer synthesis and modification
  • Polymer characterization
  • Nanotechnology
  • Self-assembly
  • Supramolecular chemistry
  • Energy generation and storage
  • Electronics
  • Photonics
  • Sensing
  • Adaptive materials
  • Membranes
  • Renewable and sustainable materials
  • Biomaterials
  • Biomedical applications of polymers

Manuscripts should highlight innovation and advances in the fundamental understanding of polymers through studies of:

  • Synthesis
  • Phase behavior, thermodynamics, dynamic phenomena
  • Structure and properties
  • State-of-the-art characterization, modeling, simulation, and theoretical methods

Manuscripts that report studies integrating fundamental knowledge into important polymer applications and their performance are also welcome.

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ACS Sensors

eISSN: 2379-3694

ACS Sensors is a peer-reviewed research journal that is devoted to the dissemination of new and original knowledge on all aspects of sensor science that selectively sense chemical or biological species or processes. Articles should address conceptual advances in sensing. Papers should demonstrate the use of the sensor in complex samples appropriate to the application, show it is fit-for-purpose, and exhibit a correlation of the sensor’s performance with an existing analytical method. Papers may focus on sensor development for commercialization or developing sensors that are used to provide new scientific knowledge.

Topics may include, but are not limited to:

  • Biosensors
  • Chemical sensors
  • Gas sensors
  • Intracellular sensors
  • Single molecule sensors
  • Protein engineering for sensing
  • Cell chips
  • Arrays
  • Microfluidic devices
  • Clinical applications
  • Environmental sensing
  • Instrumental in vivo imaging
  • Novel transduction methods
  • Machine learning in sensing
  • Surface chemistry
  • Material chemistry for sensing
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ACS Sustainable Chemistry and Engineering

eISSN: 2168-0485
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ACS Sustainable Resource Management

eISSN: 2837-1445

ACS Sustainable Resource Management is an interdisciplinary journal publishing original research describing the science and practice in the sustainable use of natural and waste resources. The journal seeks to report advances, promote discussion among various stakeholders including academic scientists, industrial practitioners and government agencies and regulators, that together help in the implementation of strategies to achieve the United Nation Sustainable Development Goals. 

Submissions covering fundamental and applied research in science and engineering of the circularity of effluent streams (gaseous, liquid, or solid forms) through the conversion to useful compounds or feedstocks are welcome. Discussions integrating systems thinking, planetary boundaries and metrics-based approaches are encouraged to ensure that the envisioned circular approaches are indeed sustainable in terms of reducing environmental footprint and toxicity. Examples of resources and applications/processes/methods that fit the scope include:


  • Activated sludges
  • Agriculture, aquatic & marine ecologies, forest residues (biomass, pesticides, fertilizers, nutrients, etc.)
  • Biochars
  • Biofuels and fossil fuels
  • Biological molecules
  • Contaminated soils
  • Electronic and urban wastes
  • EMI shielding (including microwave absorbers)
  • Foods, dyes and textile effluents
  • Heavy, trace, catalytic and energy metals
  • Industrial effluents (solvents, chemicals pharmaceuticals, flame retardants, etc.)
  • Microplastics
  • Nanomaterials
  • Plastics, membranes, resins, etc.
  • Radioactive wastes
  • Solid wastes including end-of-use solar panels
  • Toxic compounds
  • Waste energy
  • Water (groundwater, wastewater and oily wastewater, drinking water)
  • Green Chemistry
  • Green Manufacturing and Engineering
  • Biomass or Wastes as Resources
  • Alternative Energy
  • Life-Cycle Assessment

Applications/ Methods/Processes

  • Adsorption technologies
  • Advanced oxidation processes
  • Aerobic and anaerobic digestions
  • Artificial intelligence/big data in resource management
  • Biogas production
  • Biomass-based catalysis, organocatalysis electrocatalysis, photoelectrocatalysis, photocatalysis, single atom catalysis
  • Bioprocesses (biodegradation, biofiltration, bioremediation biosorption, biotreatment)
  • Chemical processing of wastes
  • Circular and net-zero economy
  • CO2 capture and utilization
  • Eco-design for the environment and ecosystem restoration
  • Electrochemical methods and processes
  • Emulsion separation and oil spill remediation
  • Gasification and pyrolysis
  • Governance, legislation, and policy for sustainable resource management
  • Green processes for waste management
  • Industrial symbiosis
  • Membrane technology and separation processes
  • Mining of waste resources
  • Phytoremediation
  • Redox processes and hydrolysis
  • Sensors and analytical methods for resource recovery
  • Sustainability metrics in resource management
  • Sustainable metallurgy
  • Thermal energy storage/conversion technologies
  • Upcycling and recycling processes

With a focus on the science, engineering and management of resources using sustainable approaches, ACS Sustainable Resource Management complements ACS Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering, and strengthens the overall portfolio of some ACS publications such as ACS Agricultural Science & Technology, ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces (ACS AMI) and other ACS AMI family of journals, ACS Catalysis, ACS ES&T Engineering, ACS ES&T Water, ACS Food Science & Technology, Energy & Fuels, Langmuir, Macromolecules, Biomacromolecules, Environmental Science & Technology, Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research, and Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry.

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ACS Synthetic Biology

eISSN: 2161-5063

ACS Synthetic Biology is a monthly peer-reviewed journal dedicated to research across all areas of synthetic biology. The journal is particularly interested in studies on the design and synthesis of new biological or biohybrid systems; computational methods in the design of biological or biohybrid systems; and the application of synthetic biology in various areas.

Topics may include, but are not limited to:

  • Design, engineering, and optimization of biological systems
  • Design, characterization, and assembly of genetic circuits and parts
  • DNA synthesis or assembly methodologies
  • Robotic platforms or biofoundries for synthetic biology
  • Creative and innovative applications of cellular programming
  • In vitro and cell-free synthetic biology and molecular programming
  • Minimal cell design and construction
  • Genomics and genome replacement strategies
  • Computational methods
  • Natural product discovery, engineering, and production
  • Mammalian synthetic biology
  • Plant synthetic biology
  • Food synthetic biology
  • Engineered biomaterials
  • Metagenomics and synthetic metagenomic analysis
  • Environmental applications
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ACS agricultural science & technology

eISSN: 2692-1952

ACS Agricultural Science & Technology is an international forum for cutting-edge original research in all areas of agricultural science, technology, and engineering. The journal aspires to highlight the role of agricultural science and technology to address challenges facing humankind and the planet. The journal welcomes submissions across fundamental and applied research in agricultural sciences, with topics spanning but not limited to:

  • Plant Science including Crop Protection, Biotechnology, Informatics, and Analytical Technologies
  • Chemical and Biological Agricultural Inputs
  • Soil and Environmental Science including Sustainable Agriculture and Conservation
  • Agricultural Engineering including Digital and Precision Agriculture
  • Material Science and Nanotechnology Applications in Agriculture
  • Analytical Technologies and Sensors to improve agricultural production and sustainability.
  • Advances in chemistry, toxicology, biotechnology, and modeling in support of science-based regulation including Risk Assessment, Risk Management, Policy, and Trade
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ACS food science & technology

eISSN: 2692-1944

ACS Food Science & Technology is an international forum for cutting-edge original research in all areas of food science, technology, engineering, and nutrition.

This interdisciplinary journal is focused on reports of new research related to characterization, development, processing, and safety of foods, as well as food waste and byproducts as sources of food additives. The journal encourages submissions across all areas of fundamental and applied research in food sciences, with a special emphasis on topics including, but not limited to, areas of:

  • Food security: Food science and microbiology; food toxicology and chemical food safety; nutrition; novel foods.
  • Food preservation: Food quality and authenticity/origin; food engineering; food processing and packaging; nanotechnology and materials science in food.
  • Health-promoting food ingredients: Functional foods; bioavailability and microbiome.
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ACS pharmacology & translational science

eISSN: 2575-9108

ACS Pharmacology & Translational Science publishes high quality, innovative, and impactful research across the broad spectrum of biological sciences, covering basic and molecular sciences through to translational preclinical studies. Clinical studies that address novel mechanisms of action, and methodological papers that provide innovation, and advance translation, will also be considered. We give priority to studies that fully integrate basic pharmacological and/or biochemical findings into physiological processes that have translational potential in a broad range of biomedical disciplines. Therefore, studies that employ a complementary blend of in vitro and in vivo systems are of particular interest to the journal. Nonetheless, all innovative and impactful research that has an articulated translational relevance will be considered.

ACS Pharmacology & Translational Science does not publish research on biological extracts that have unknown concentration or unknown chemical composition.

Authors are encouraged to use the pre-submission inquiry mechanism to ensure relevance and appropriateness of research.

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Accounts of Chemical Research

ISSN: 0001-4842eISSN: 1520-4898

Accounts of Chemical Research presents short, concise, and critical articles offering easy-to-read overviews of basic research and applications in all areas of chemistry and in allied fields in which chemical approaches play a key role. Each Account focuses on research from the author’s own laboratory, and they are designed to teach the reader about a research project. 

Each Account can be thought of as a “seminar in print,” as the authors tell the research story of their lab and give readers insight into both the science itself as well as the people behind it.

Accounts are only considered for publication by invitation, but prospective authors are encouraged to submit a Proposal which, if accepted, will result in an invitation to submit a full Account. The journal considers submissions in core fields such as, but not limited to:

  • Analytical, physical, inorganic, and organic chemistry
  • Biological and medicinal chemistry, and biotechnology
  • Sustainable and environmental chemistry
  • Computational and theoretical chemistry
  • Materials and nanoscience
  • Energy and catalysis
  • Chemical engineering
  • Earth, atmospheric and space chemistry
  • Chemical education
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Accounts of materials research

eISSN: 2643-6728

Accounts of Materials Research publishes concise personal reviews and perspectives describing recent research developments in all aspects of materials science and engineering.

An Account uses results previously published by the authors to teach readers new insights and thinking in an area of materials research. Each Account is directed not only to specialists in the field, but also to a broad range of scientists who wish to keep abreast of the best current research in fields other than their own. Readability by the non-expert is therefore essential.

In addition, Accounts of Materials Research publishes front matter pieces addressing the broader societal impacts of materials research and development.

Most manuscripts are submitted after invitation by the Editor-in-Chief, but unsolicited proposals, which may result in an invitation to submit a manuscript, are also considered.

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Analytical Chemistry

ISSN: 0003-2700eISSN: 1520-6882

The Most Cited Journal in Analytical Chemistry

Analytical Chemistry is a peer-reviewed research journal that is devoted to the dissemination of new and original knowledge in all branches of analytical chemistry. Articles fit our scope that describe new or expanded chemical measurement approaches or that uniquely address the principles and performance of existing approaches. Articles may be theoretical or they may report experimental results. Papers dealing with established analytical methods must offer a significantly improved, original application of the method.

Subfields covered in Analytical Chemistry can include the following, as long as the manuscript focuses on improving our understanding of chemical measurements:

  • Analytical operations (e.g., sampling, measurements, data analysis)
  • Bioanalytical chemistry
  • Bioengineering
  • Chemical analysis
  • Environmental sciences
  • Forensics
  • Materials Science
  • Medical Sciences

Topics include but are not limited to:

  • Chemical reactions and selectivity
  • Chemometrics and data processing
  • Computation, machine learning, and informatics
  • Electrochemistry
  • Elemental and molecular characterization
  • Imaging
  • Immunoassays, enzyme assays, and related technologies
  • Instrumentation
  • Mass Spectrometry
  • Microscale and nanoscale analytical systems
  • Nuclear magnetic resonance
  • Omics research (e.g., proteomics, metabolomics, genomics, lipidomics)
  • Sensing science
  • Separations
  • Spectroscopy
  • Surface Analysis
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Artificial Photosynthesis

eISSN: 2994-0974

The conversion of solar energy into fuels and valuable chemical products through artificial photosynthesis is an important scientific approach to addressing global energy transition, climate change mitigation and sustainability goals.

Artificial Photosynthesis is an open access journal dedicated to publishing compelling advances in understanding, mimicking, and utilizing the process of converting sunlight into chemical energy. The journal provides a unique, international platform to bring together leading researchers from different disciplines (chemistry, physics, materials, biology, and engineering) and facilitate collaboration with industry to publish the most impactful and insightful developments within the field. 

Specific topics of interest may include, but are not limited to:

  • New theories, methods, and strategies for photoelectrochemical energy conversion and storage, and their charge and energy transfer dynamics and mechanisms
  • Photocatalytic, photoelectrocatalytic, and electrocatalytic water splitting, carbon dioxide reduction, nitrogen reduction for ammonia synthesis, and synthesis of high value-added chemicals
  • Catalytic activation and transformation of small molecules (e.g., CO2, H2O, and N2, etc.)
  • Homogeneous and heterogeneous catalysis for artificial photosynthesis
  • Synthetic fuels, biology, food (e.g., starch, proteins, carbohydrates, etc.), and drugs through artificial photosynthesis
  • Function mimicking of natural photosynthesis and its applications in artificial photosynthesis
  • Advanced characterization techniques (e.g., spectroscopy) used in artificial photosynthesis research
  • Artificial photosynthesis for environmental remediation
  • Key engineering technologies for large-scale artificial photosynthesis 

APCs for manuscripts accepted in the first three years are covered by the journal.

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ISSN: 0006-2960eISSN: 1520-4995

Biochemistry provides an international forum for publishing exceptional, rigorous, high-impact research in all aspects of biological chemistry.

Topics may include, but are not limited to:

  • The structure, function, regulation, and/or dynamics of natural, designed, or evolved biopolymers (e.g., proteins, DNA, RNA, oligosaccharides)
  • The chemical, physical, mechanistic, and/or structural basis of biological or cell function
  • Research in molecular enzymology, chemical biology, synthetic biology, cell biology, disease biology, nucleic acid biology, neuroscience, structural biology, computational biology, membrane biology, and biophysics 

The Journal does NOT cover the following areas if they are presented as solitary topics and without making a strong connection to biochemical mechanisms or concepts:

  • Clinical research
  • Organismal biology
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Bioconjugate Chemistry

ISSN: 1043-1802eISSN: 1520-4812

Bioconjugate Chemistry invites original contributions on all research at the interface between synthetic and biological materials. The journal intends to provide a forum for presentation of research relevant to all aspects of bioconjugates, including the preparation, properties, and applications of biomolecular conjugates.

The mission of the journal is to communicate to advances in fields including:

  • Therapeutic delivery
  • Imaging
  • Bionanotechnology
  • Synthetic biology
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ISSN: 1525-7797eISSN: 1526-4602

Biomacromolecules is the leading forum for the dissemination of cutting-edge research at the interface of polymer science and biology. Submissions to Biomacromolecules should contain strong elements of innovation in terms of macromolecular design, synthesis and characterization, or in the application of polymer materials to biology and medicine.

Topics covered by Biomacromolecules include, but are not exclusively limited to:

  • Sustainable polymers
  • Natural and renewable polymers
  • Chitin, chitosan, lignin, tannin, and polyaromatic polymers
  • Degradable and recyclable polymers
  • Polymer conjugates
  • Polymeric drugs
  • Polymers in biocatalysis
  • Biomacromolecular assembly
  • Biomimetic polymers
  • Polymer-biomineral hybrids
  • Bioactive polymer surfaces
  • Original polymer design for biomedical applications
  • Polymers in tissue engineering and regenerative medicine
  • Polymeric scaffolds
  • Hydrogels for cell culture and delivery
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Chem & Bio Engineering

eISSN: 2836-967X

Chem & Bio Engineering is a peer-reviewed, open-access journal that publishes significant advances in cutting-edge areas of chemical and biological engineering. 

The field of chemical and biological engineering faces emerging challenges of developing efficient and sustainable solutions in areas such as manufacturing, energy, environmental stewardship, and healthcare. In this regard, Chem & Bio Engineering aims to be a premier journal for chemical and biological engineers to share and discuss innovative and inspirational research that seeks to address these multifaceted challenges.

Topics of interest include, but are not limited to:

  • Advanced catalysis engineering for energy, health, and sustainability.
  • Advanced separation with novel adsorbents/membranes, process design and integration, and applications for gas separation, water purification, energy storage, biomedical devices, etc.
  • Advanced synthesis and scalable processes.
  • Biomedical engineering and synthetic biology.
  • Computer-aided discovery, design, and optimization of functional (bio)molecules, materials, and processes
  • Materials engineering for energy harvesting & storage, information storage & processing, flexible electronics, diagnosis & therapy, etc.
  • Sustainable engineering.

APCs for manuscripts submitted by December 31, 2026, are covered by the journal if they are accepted after peer review.

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Chemical & Biomedical Imaging

eISSN: 2832-3637

Chemical & Biomedical Imaging is a peer-reviewed open access journal devoted to the publication of cutting-edge research papers on all aspects of chemical and biomedical imaging. This interdisciplinary field sits at the intersection of chemistry, physics, biology, materials, engineering, and medicine. The journal aims to bring together researchers from across these disciplines to address cutting-edge challenges of fundamental research and applications. 

Chemical & Biomedical Imaging welcomes papers that:

  • showcase innovations in molecular and biomedical imaging
  • push the limits of chemical, spatial and temporal resolution at single molecule, single particle or single cell level
  • demonstrate advances in developing new chemical probes and methodologies for biomedical applications 

Topics of particular interest include, but are not limited to:

  • Imaging of processes and reactions
  • Imaging of nanoscale, microscale, and mesoscale materials
  • Imaging of biological interactions and interfaces
  • Single-molecule and cellular imaging
  • Whole-organ and whole-body imaging
  • Molecular imaging probes and contrast agents
  • Bioluminescence, chemiluminescence and electrochemiluminescence imaging
  • Nanophotonics and imaging
  • Chemical tools for new imaging modalities
  • Chemical and imaging techniques in diagnosis and therapy
  • Imaging-guided drug delivery
  • AI and machine learning assisted imaging

APCs are automatically waived for all articles submitted by December 31, 2025, if accepted after peer review.

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Chemical Research in Toxicology

ISSN: 0893-228XeISSN: 1520-5010

Chemical Research in Toxicology publishes on a wide range of topics in Toxicology that inform a chemical and molecular understanding and capacity to predict biological outcomes on the basis of structures and processes. The overarching goal of activities reported in the Journal is to provide knowledge and innovative approaches needed to promote intelligent solutions for human safety and ecosystem preservation. The journal emphasizes insight concerning mechanisms of toxicity over phenomenological observations. It upholds rigorous chemical, physical and mathematical standards for characterization and application of modern techniques. Representative research includes:

  • Studies concerning the molecular mechanisms by which physical, chemical, or biological agents or materials, interact with and perturb the normal function and/or structure of biological systems, including living organisms, cells, or biomolecules.
  • Studies that address hypotheses concerning mechanisms of adverse or therapeutic responses or contribute to the development of models of toxic/biological function on the basis of quantifying chemical, molecular and cellular responses to physical, chemical, or biological agents or materials.
  • Studies involving data resulting from high content characterization of molecular responses to agents from the use of bioanalytical approaches such as proteomics, metabolomics, lipidomics, genomics, high content imaging, multi-omics, etc. to characterize targeted patterns or global cellular responses, as well as studies that use novel or existing data to create new models for quantifying exposures or building predictive models of biological pathways or networks.
  • The identification and characterization of potentially hazardous agents such as environmental contaminants, industrial chemicals, drugs and drug-like molecules, natural products, biological toxins and engineered nanomaterials, and the development and application of novel methodologies for their detection and/or characterizations of their interactions with biological systems or biomolecules.
  • Studies concerning pathological biochemistry and molecular mechanisms of disease etiology involving exogenous as well as endogenous agents and/or molecular pathways or networks.

In the case of uncertainty regarding the suitability of a manuscript, authors may send a pre-submission inquiry to the Editor that includes an abstract and cover letter indicating the intended manuscript format by e-mail (

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Chemical Reviews

ISSN: 0009-2665eISSN: 1520-6890

Chemical Reviews publishes comprehensive, authoritative, critical, and readable reviews of important recent research across all areas of chemistry.

Reviews are only considered for publication by invitation, but prospective authors are encouraged to submit a Proposal which, if accepted, will result in an invitation to submit a full Review. The journal considers submissions in core fields such as, but not limited to:

  • Analytical, physical, inorganic, and organic chemistry
  • Biological and medicinal chemistry, and biotechnology
  • Sustainable and environmental chemistry
  • Computational and theoretical chemistry
  • Materials and nanoscience
  • Energy and catalysis
  • Chemical engineering
  • Earth, atmospheric and space chemistry

Chemical education

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Chemistry of Materials

ISSN: 0897-4756eISSN: 1520-5002

Chemistry of Materials is a biweekly hybrid journal devoted to the publication of original contributions on forefront, fundamental research at the interface of chemistry, chemical engineering, and materials science. Both theoretical and experimental studies which focus on preparation or understanding of materials with unusual or useful properties are relevant. Research areas of interest include, but are not limited to:

  • Solid-state chemistry, organic, inorganic and polymer chemistry directed to developing materials with novel optical, electrical, magnetic, catalytic, and mechanical properties, among others
  • Fabrication and processing of electronic, magnetic, or optical materials and devices, including thin films by chemical vapor or solution deposition
  • Design, synthesis, investigation and application of polymeric and molecular precursors to solid-state inorganic materials
  • Preparation and study of biomaterials, nanomaterials, composites, catalysts, liquid crystals, coatings, thin films, interfaces, and self-organized molecular assemblies
  • Materials for sustainability, energy, environmental, and biomedical applications
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Crystal Growth and Design

ISSN: 1528-7483eISSN: 1528-7505

Crystal Growth & Design publishes theoretical and experimental studies of the physical, chemical, and biological phenomena and processes related to the design, growth, and application of crystalline materials. Synergistic approaches originating from different disciplines and technologies and integrating the fields of crystal growth, crystal engineering, intermolecular interactions, and industrial application are encouraged. 

Contributions emphasizing the fundamental concepts of crystal growth or molecular assembly and supporting further understanding of the relationship between assembly conditions and resulting properties or function of the material are highlighted. The journal does not publish routine reports of new material morphologies unless the morphology leads to significantly improved function or properties. The journal primarily covers the following:

  • Crystal engineering (e.g., organic, inorganic, and hybrid solids)
  • Crystal growth of inorganic, organic, and biological substances (e.g., biomineralization)
  • Molecular assembly processes related to crystallization including the formation of gels, liquid crystals, colloids, and amorphous materials
  • Polymorphism, polytypism
  • Development of new functional nanostructured phases
  • Intermolecular interactions in the solid state (e.g., hydrogen bonding, lattice energies)
  • Modeling of crystal growth processes
  • Prediction of crystal structure and crystal habit
  • Determination and calculation of electronic distribution in the solid state
  • Nucleation theory
  • Molecular kinetics and transport phenomena in crystal growth
  • Phase transitions
  • Solvation and crystallization phenomena, modeling of crystallization processes
  • Significant new ideas in industrial crystallization 

Crystal Growth & Design does not cover routine reports of crystal or molecular structures.

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Energy and Fuels

ISSN: 0887-0624eISSN: 1520-5029

Energy & Fuels, founded in 1987, aspires to publish the most exciting fundamental and applied research in the fields of energy and fuels. The journal focuses on the science and application domains of energy and fuels, particularly those in the disciplines of chemical engineering and applied chemistry. It intends to serve the vital and growing community of scientists, engineers, and policy experts involved in energy-related fields by publishing fully vetted, reliable, and high-quality research results.

The scope of Energy & Fuels covers:

  • Fossil energy resources in the context of sustainable development
  • Bioenergy, biofuels and biorefinery
  • Batteries and energy storage
  • Fuel cells
  • Solar energy, solar fuels, and conversion of light
  • Water splitting and electrolysis
  • Non-carbon-based fuels (e.g., hydrogen, ammonia, etc.)
  • Carbon capture, utilization, and storage

The submissions on catalysis (including bio-, photo- and electro-catalysis) must focus on new insights for energy conversion and not solely on catalyst characterization. Manuscripts on analytical and instrumental techniques used in investigations of the foregoing areas are also welcome. The analysis of the physical and chemical properties of raw fuels and refined products by novel methods is within the scope. Submitted manuscripts are expected to contain new fundamental knowledge and/or present advances in technologies. Manuscripts on process development, integration and modelling are welcome if they include sound physical-chemical fundamentals. Submissions dealing with nuclear, wind and hydraulic power, power grids, or solely with process economics will not be considered.

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Environment & Health

eISSN: 2833-8278

Environment & Health, a peer-reviewed, open access journal, is committed to exploring the relationship between the environment and human health. 

As a premier journal for multidisciplinary research, Environment & Health reports the health consequences for individuals and communities of changing and hazardous environmental factors. In supporting the UN Sustainable Development Goals, the journal aims to help formulate policies to create a healthier world.

Topics of interest include, but are not limited to:

  • Air, water, and soil pollution
  • Exposomics
  • Environmental epidemiology
  • Innovative analytical methodology and instrumentation
  • Environmental toxicology
  • Environmental microbiology, pathogen, and environmental transmission mechanisms of diseases
  • Environmental modeling, bioinformatics, and artificial intelligence
  • Emerging contaminants
  • Climate change and related health effects
  • Health impacts of energy evolution and carbon neutralization
  • Food and drinking water safety
  • Occupational exposure and medicine
  • Innovations in environmental technologies for better health
  • Policies and international relations concerned with environmental health

Authors who submit their manuscripts by December 31, 2025, may apply for an APC waiver if their paper is accepted after peer review.

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Environmental Science and Technology

ISSN: 0013-936XeISSN: 1520-5851

Environmental Science & Technology (ES&T) is an impactful, environmental science and technology research journal that aims to be transformational and direction-setting, publishing rigorous and robust manuscripts for a multidisciplinary and diverse audience of scientists, policymakers, and the broad environmental community. The journal advances rigorous scholarship on complex environmental phenomena, particularly with respect to fate, transport, and transformation in natural and engineered systems, while simultaneously facilitating the solution of critical environmental problems. In addition to novelty and significance of research, ES&T considers the relevance of submitted manuscripts to its broad readership.

Current ES&T topical categories for research articles are as follows:

  • Biogeochemical Cycling
  • Bioremediation and Biotechnology
  • Data Science
  • Ecotoxicology and Public Health
  • Energy and Climate
  • Occurrence, Fate, and Transport of Aquatic and Terrestrial Contaminants
  • Occurrence, Fate, and Behavior of Contaminants in Indoor Air and Atmosphere
  • Physico-Chemical Treatment and Resource Recovery
  • Sustainable Systems
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Environmental Science and Technology Letters

eISSN: 2328-8930

ES&T Letters is a rapid publication forum for international brief communications (Letters, Brief Reviews, Highlights, Global Perspectives) on rigorous experimental or theoretical results of exceptional timeliness on all aspects of environmental science and technology (pure and applied). The journal’s aim is to quickly publish short, timely research of an urgent or emerging nature on complex environmental phenomena while simultaneously facilitating the solution of critical environmental problems.

ES&T Letters’ scope is broad and includes characterization of natural and affected environments, environmental processes, fate, transport and transformation of compounds in natural and engineered systems, environmental measurement methods, environmental aspects of nanotechnology, novel remediation and control technology, biogeochemical cycling, ecotoxicology and human environmental health, sustainability and energy, and remediation, control and pollution prevention. Manuscripts describing cross-disciplinary research or addressing emerging issues are of particular interest. The journal appeals to a multidisciplinary and diverse audience of scientists, policy makers and the broad environmental community. The broad environmental science and technology topic areas published by the journal are shown by (but not limited to) the main journal section headings:

  • Biogeochemical Cycling
  • Bioremediation and Biotechnology
  • Data Science
  • Ecotoxicology and Public Health
  • Energy and Climate
  • Occurrence, Fate, and Transport of Aquatic and Terrestrial Contaminants 
  • Occurrence, Fate, and Behavior of Contaminants in Indoor Air and Atmosphere
  • Physico-Chemical Treatment and Resource Recovery
  • Sustainable Systems
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Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research

ISSN: 0888-5885eISSN: 1520-5045

Industrial & Engineering Chemistry, with variations in title and format, has been published since 1909 by the American Chemical Society. Industrial & Engineering Chemistry is a weekly publication that reports industrial and academic research in the broad fields of applied chemistry and chemical and biomolecular/biochemical engineering. Papers may be based on work that is experimental, computational, or theoretical, mathematical or descriptive, and chemical, physical, or biological. Research that combines multiple approaches (e.g., experimentation with validation by modeling or vice versa) are particularly welcome. We seek reports of significant fundamental research advances that draw on core areas such as, but not limited to

  • Thermodynamics
  • Transport phenomena
  • Chemical reaction kinetics and engineering
  • Catalysis
  • Separations, and process systems engineering.

We also welcome reports on significant advances in product research and development that use chemical and engineering principles to improve or create

  • New catalysts
  • Plastics
  • Sorbents
  • Membranes
  • Functional materials

Papers dealing with new areas of science and technology that fit the journal's broad scope and objectives are encouraged.

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Inorganic Chemistry

ISSN: 0020-1669eISSN: 1520-510X

Inorganic Chemistry publishes fundamental studies, both experimental and theoretical, on all topics of inorganic chemistry from across the Periodic Table:

  • Coordination and Organometallic Chemistry
  • Bioinorganic Chemistry
  • Solid State, Materials, and Nanoscale Chemistry
  • Energy and Photochemistry
  • Catalysis
  • Theory and Computation

The journal places emphasis on scientifically rigorous studies of the synthesis and mechanisms, structure, thermodynamics, kinetics, reactivity, spectroscopy, bonding, and functional properties of new and significant known compounds. Only those manuscript submissions that sufficiently emphasize inorganic chemistry aspects will be considered. Illustrative examples of manuscripts that will not be considered include ones that describe poorly defined or characterized compounds or materials, or that are deemed to emphasize morphological, nanoscale, or larger scale attributes of materials, biological phenomena, analytical methods, speculative or predominantly technical aspects of theory, or technological applications.

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eISSN: 2691-3704

JACS Au is a monthly open access multi-disciplinary journal devoted to the publication of manuscripts reporting significant research discoveries in all fields of chemistry. The journal considers submissions in traditional core fields including, but not limited to:

  • Analytical, physical, inorganic, and organic chemistry
  • Biological, medicinal, and environmental chemistry
  • Computational and theoretical chemistry
  • Materials and nanoscience
  • Energy and catalysis
  • Chemical engineering
  • Chemical education
  • Multidisciplinary research as it applies to chemistry

JACS Au considers submissions that are fully computational, fully experimental, and submissions that combine both

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Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry

ISSN: 0021-8561eISSN: 1520-5118

The Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry publishes high-quality, cutting-edge original research representing complete studies and research advances dealing with the chemistry and biochemistry of agriculture and food. The Journal also encourages papers with chemistry and/or biochemistry as a major component combined with biological/sensory/nutritional/toxicological evaluation related to agriculture and/or food.

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Journal of Chemical Education

ISSN: 0021-9584eISSN: 1938-1328

The Journal of Chemical Education (JCE) is co-published by the ACS Division of Chemical Education and ACS Publications. Launched in 1924, JCE is the world’s premier chemical education journal.

JCE publishes peer-reviewed articles and related information as a resource to those in the field of chemical education and to those institutions that serve them. The journal typically addresses chemical content, laboratory experiments, instructional methods, and pedagogies. JCE serves as a means of communication among people across the world who are interested in the teaching and learning of chemistry. The global audience includes instructors of chemistry from middle school through graduate school, professional staff who support these teaching activities, as well as some scientists in commerce, industry, and government.

The criteria for a publishable manuscript include these areas of evaluation: scholarship, novelty, pedagogy, utility, and presentation. To be considered for publication by the Journal of Chemical Education, a manuscript must:

  • Demonstrate scientific and scholarly rigor, supported by up-to-date citations to relevant literature and guided by a rationale for how the work fits into existing knowledge.
  • Exhibit novelty through original scholarship or a creative or innovative practice.
  • Have pedagogical content and educational relevance and insight that demonstrate a positive impact on teaching and learning while articulating audience level, use with students, and details for adopting and adapting the material, if applicable.
  • Be useful to JCE readers by showing a connection to teaching and learning within the context of curricula or coursework.
  • Present well-developed ideas in a comprehensive, organized discussion written in clear, concise English and making effective use of display elements (figures, schemes, tables, etc.).
  • Adhere to the requirements and JCE protocols outlined in the Author Guidelines for each respective manuscript type and be submitted according to ACS publishing policies
  • Be submitted electronically using ACS Paragon Plus.

JCE does not publish science research papers (or papers exclusively covering scientific content) unless they have a direct link to the teaching and learning of chemistry.

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Journal of Chemical Information and Modeling

ISSN: 1549-9596eISSN: 1549-960X

The Journal of Chemical Information and Modeling (JCIM) is a bi-weekly peer-reviewed journal that publishes papers reporting new methodologies in chemical informatics and molecular modeling and its application and validation by experimental means. As a member of this community – author, reader, or reviewer -- you’ll stay abreast of advances and applications in molecular simulation, developments in multi-scale modeling, artificial intelligence, and machine learning models applied to chemical and biological data, computer science techniques applied to chemical problems, pattern recognition, clustering, computer-aided molecular design of new materials, catalysts, or ligands, development of new computational methods and algorithms and their implementation in software, and analysis of chemical and physical data.

  • Computer simulation using molecular dynamics and free energy methods
  • Machine learning models of chemical and biological data
  • Combined quantum mechanical/molecular mechanical (QM/MM) multi-scale simulations
  • Computer-aided molecular design of new materials, catalysts, or ligands
  • Development of new computational methods or efficient algorithms implemented in software
  • Biopharmaceutical chemistry, including analyses of biological activity and other applications related to drug discovery 

The journal does not consider straightforward applications of molecular docking methods to a single target system without adequate experimental validation.

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Journal of Chemical Theory and Computation

ISSN: 1549-9618eISSN: 1549-9626

The Journal of Chemical Theory and Computation is a bi-weekly peer-reviewed journal that publishes papers on new theories, methodology in quantum electronic structure, molecular dynamics, and statistical mechanics and/or their important applications.

Specific topics include but are not limited to:

  • Advances in ab initio quantum mechanics, density functional theory
  • Molecular dynamics and Monte Carlo simulations
  • Ab initio dynamics for chemical reactions
  • Solvation models
  • QM/MM methods for complex chemical processes
  • New theories for quantum computers and their chemical applications
  • Artificial Intelligence, machine learning, data science for chemical theory and computation
  • Computational chemistry packages that present innovative methods
  • Design and properties of new materials and bio-molecular systems
  • Novel theories and applications in surface science
  • Biomolecular dynamics for protein folding/phase separation

The Journal welcomes submissions that include advances in theory, methodology, and data science with applications to compelling problems in chemistry and materials science. The Journal does not consider papers on the following topics:

Straightforward applications on only single-class systems of well-established methods, including DFT, traditional wave function theories, and molecular dynamics.

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Journal of Chemical and Engineering Data

ISSN: 0021-9568eISSN: 1520-5134

The Journal of Chemical & Engineering Data (JCED) publishes data on phase behavior and physical, thermodynamic, and transport properties obtained from both experiment and computation, which are viewed as complementary. JCED encourages manuscripts that report on consequential (relevant, comprehensive, and robust) data and place these data into context by addressing what can be learned from differences and similarities to prior published data on related systems. 

Examples of topics that are in-scope:

  • New measurements of thermophysical/thermochemical properties for chemical systems whose compositions are known.
  • New experimental phase equilibrium data (e.g., vapor-liquid, supercritical fluid, liquid-liquid, solid-solid, solid-liquid, solid-vapor, solid-supercritical fluid, and gas hydrate equilibrium).
  • Thermophysical/thermochemical properties and phase equilibrium data obtained from quantum chemistry, molecular simulation, and molecular mechanics calculations.
  • Comprehensive Reviews of experimental or computational techniques for thermophysical/thermochemical properties and phase equilibria and thought-provoking Perspectives on topics of current interest to the thermophysical properties research community.

Examples of topics that are NOT in-scope:

  • Phase equilibrium or thermophysical/thermochemical properties of mixtures whose compositions are NOT known. Many environmental and biological samples fit in this category.
  • Reaction kinetics and catalysis.
  • Applications that do not measure or calculate the fundamental thermophysical properties or phase equilibria (e.g., permeabilities through membranes without measurement or calculation of solubilities and diffusivities).
  • Computational approaches (including machine learning) that predict data via a correlation of molecular or other macroscopic properties.
  • Materials synthesis and characterization where the phase equilibrium and/or thermophysical properties are not the main focus of the paper.
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Journal of Medicinal Chemistry

ISSN: 0022-2623eISSN: 1520-4804

Journal of Medicinal Chemistry publishes studies that contribute to an understanding of the relationship between molecular structure and biological activity or mode of action.

Some specific areas that are appropriate include the following:

  • Design, synthesis, and biological evaluation of novel biologically active compounds, diagnostic agents, or labeled ligands employed as pharmacological tools.
  • Molecular modifications of reported series that lead to a significantly improved understanding of their structure-activity relationships (SAR). Routine extensions of existing series that do not utilize novel chemical or biological approaches or do not add significantly to a basic understanding of the SAR of the series will normally not be accepted for publication.
  • Structural biological studies (X-ray, NMR, etc.) of relevant ligands and targets with the aim of investigating molecular recognition processes in the action of biologically active compounds.
  • Molecular biological studies (e.g., site-directed mutagenesis) of macromolecular targets that lead to an improved understanding of molecular recognition.
  • Computational studies that provide fresh insight into the SAR of compound series that are of current general interest or analysis of other available data that subsequently advance medicinal chemistry knowledge.
  • Substantially novel computational chemistry methods with demonstrated value for the identification, optimization, or target interaction analysis of bioactive molecules.
  • Effect of molecular structure on the distribution, pharmacokinetics, and metabolic transformation of biologically active compounds. This may include design, synthesis, and evaluation of novel types of prodrugs.
  • Novel methodology with broad application to medicinal chemistry, but only if the methods have been tested on relevant molecules.
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Journal of Natural Products

ISSN: 0163-3864eISSN: 1520-6025

The Journal of Natural Products invites and publishes papers that make substantial and scholarly contributions to the area of natural products research. Contributions may relate to the chemistry and/or biochemistry of naturally occurring compounds or the biology of living systems from which they are obtained. When new compounds are reported, manuscripts describing their biological activity are much preferred.

Topics may include, but are not limited to:

  • Secondary metabolites of microorganisms, including antibiotics and mycotoxins
  • Physiologically active compounds from terrestrial and marine plants and animals
  • Biochemical studies, including biosynthesis and microbiological transformations
  • Fermentation and plant tissue culture
  • Isolation, structure elucidation, and chemical synthesis of novel compounds from nature
  • Pharmacology of compounds of natural origin 

Manuscripts that focus on biological properties of chemically complex extracts, mixtures, or essential oils are outside the scope of the journal.

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Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters

eISSN: 1948-7185

The Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters is devoted to reporting new and original experimental and theoretical basic research of interest to physical chemists, biophysical chemists, chemical physicists, physicists, material scientists, and engineers. An important criterion for acceptance is that the paper reports a significant scientific advance and/or physical insight such that rapid publication is essential.

JPC Letters has emerged as one of the premier journals in the discipline by disseminating significant scientific advances in physical chemistry, chemical physics, and materials science. The authors use streamlined editorial processes to publish their important new scientific advances at a fast pace and thus are able to publish their research results first. The journal has consistently maintained a rapid publication time and thus offers authors the opportunity to stay ahead of the competition. 

Areas covered by the journal include:

  • Physical Insights into Quantum Phenomena and Function
  • Physical Insights into Materials and Molecular Properties
  • Physical Insights into Light Interacting with Matter
  • Physical Insights into the Biosphere, Atmosphere, and Space
  • Physical Insights into Chemistry, Catalysis, and Interfaces
  • Physical Insights into Energy Science

This journal offers Transparent Peer Review. Read more about the Transparent Peer Review pilot.

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Journal of Proteome Research

ISSN: 1535-3893eISSN: 1535-3907

Journal of Proteome Research is a monthly peer-reviewed journal dedicated to research across all aspects of global protein and metabolite analysis and function. The emphasis of the journal is on a multidisciplinary approach to the life sciences through the synergy between the different types of "omics".

Topics may include, but are not limited to:

  • Proteomics (bulk and single cell)
  • Metabolomics (bulk and single cell)
  • Mass Spectrometry Imaging (proteins, peptides, and metabolites)
  • Proteogenomics
  • Metaproteomics
  • Lipidomics
  • Interactomics- Affinity purification MS, Crosslinking MS, Proximity Analysis, Two Hybrid Methods
  • Protein Footprinting, 3D Proteomics
  • Multi-omics system analysis
  • Computational methods including bioinformatics, artificial intelligence and machine learning, or other software tools to aid in data analysis and analysis of experimental systems.
  • Methods for multi-omics analyses
  • Development of methods and application to new areas, including studies in paleobiology, archeology, rare species (e.g., Komodo dragon), and forensic science, to name a few.
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Journal of The American Society for Mass Spectrometry

ISSN: 1044-0305eISSN: 1879-1123

The Journal of the American Society for Mass Spectrometry, published by the American Chemical Society on behalf of the American Society for Mass Spectrometry, is a monthly, peer-reviewed journal that covers all aspects of mass spectrometry, including fields of scientific inquiry in which mass spectrometry can play a role, including both applications and fundamentals. These fields include chemical, biological, health, environmental, physical, geological, and forensic sciences, as well as omics sciences, such as proteomics and metabolomics.

The journal publishes papers on both fundamentals and applications of mass spectrometry, in addition to new instrumentation and methods development. Papers that report on applications should have a principal focus on the use of a new mass spectrometry tool or approach to solve a qualitative or quantitative problem.

Fundamental and application-based subjects welcomed by the journal include, but are not limited to:


  • Instrumentation principles, design, and demonstration
  • Structures and chemical properties of gas-phase ions
  • Thermodynamic properties
  • Ion spectroscopy
  • Chemical kinetics
  • Mechanisms of ionization
  • Theories of ion fragmentation
  • Cluster Ions
  • Potential energy surfaces


  • Development or validation of new methodology
  • Omics related research (e.g., proteomics, metabolomics, lipidomics, multi-omics systems)
  • Structural elucidation
  • Biopolymer sequencing
  • Automation/implementation of high throughput methods
  • Environmental and forensic measurements
  • Computer applications, new algorithms and software
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Journal of the American Chemical Society

ISSN: 0002-7863eISSN: 1520-5126

The Journal of the American Chemical Society, founded in 1879, is the flagship journal of the American Chemical Society and the world’s preeminent journal of chemistry and interfacing areas of science. The journal considers submissions in core fields such as, but not limited to:

  • Analytical, physical, inorganic, and organic chemistry
  • Biological and medicinal chemistry, and biotechnology
  • Sustainable and environmental chemistry
  • Computational and theoretical chemistry
  • Materials and nanoscience
  • Energy and catalysis
  • Chemical engineering
  • Earth, atmospheric and space chemistry
  • Chemical education
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ISSN: 0743-7463eISSN: 1520-5827

Langmuir focuses on the science and engineering of systems and materials in which the interface dominates structure and function. Manuscript submissions on the rational design of interfaces, including new applied and fundamental concepts in emerging areas, are welcome.

The following topics are examples within the scope of Langmuir:

  • Polymer interfaces and films
  • Adsorption, wetting, adhesion, and dynamics
  • Membranes and biofouling
  • Surfactants, emulsions, microemulsions, vesicles, suspensions, foams, and gels
  • Fundamental theory and computations of interfacial properties
  • Droplets and their dynamics
  • Active and adaptive colloids and nanoparticles, self-assembly
  • Drug delivery, nanomedicine, carriers, targeting, uptake and controlled release
  • Advances in surface/interface characterization techniques
  • MOFs, COFs, zeolites, and other porous materials
  • Sensors and biosensors
  • Rheology, mechanics, and non-equilibrium thermodynamics
  • Van der Waals materials (1D, 2D, 3D and layered)
  • Interfaces for sustainability and energy
  • Electrochemistry, heterogeneous catalysis, photocatalysis
  • Single molecule, single atom catalysts and particle dynamics under confinement

Reviewers of Langmuir manuscripts will be asked the following questions.

  • Does the manuscript report original and significant findings in interface science and engineering?
  • Are the claims adequately supported with appropriate data, control experiments, and statistics?
  • What are the strengths and weaknesses of the work?
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ISSN: 0024-9297eISSN: 1520-5835

Macromolecules publishes original, fundamental, and impactful research on all aspects of polymer science. Typical papers published in Macromolecules showcase important and innovative concepts, experimental methods/observations, and theoretical/computational approaches that demonstrate a fundamental advance in the understanding of polymers.

Topics of interest include, but are not exclusively limited to:

  • Polymer synthesis (e.g., controlled polymerizations, polymerization catalysis, post polymerization modification, new monomer structures and polymer architectures, and polymerization mechanisms/kinetics analysis)
  • Polymer phase behavior, thermodynamics, dynamics, and ordering/disordering phenomena (e.g., self-assembly, gelation, crystallization, solution/melt/solid-state characteristics)
  • Structure and properties (e.g., mechanical and rheological properties, surface/interfacial characteristics, electronic and transport properties)
  • New state of the art characterizations (e.g., spectroscopy, scattering, microscopy, rheology)
  • Simulation and theoretical methods (e.g,. Monte Carlo, molecular dynamics, multi-scale/coarse-grained modeling)
  • Renewable/sustainable polymers
  • Polymer networks
  • Responsive polymers
  • Electro-, magneto- and opto-active macromolecules
  • Inorganic polymers
  • Charge-transporting polymers (e.g., ion-containing, semiconducting, and conducting)
  • Nanostructured polymers
  • Polymer composites
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Molecular Pharmaceutics

ISSN: 1543-8384eISSN: 1543-8392

Molecular Pharmaceutics publishes original theoretical and experimental research that contributes significantly to the molecular mechanistic understanding of drug delivery and drug delivery systems. Modalities of interest include small molecules, imaging agents, proteins, peptides, vaccines, cell and gene-based therapies, and their characterization, formulation, and delivery. Scientific areas within the scope of the journal include:

  • Modelling and simulation to aid mechanistic insights into drug delivery
  • Molecular understanding of formulations
  • Formulation performance under physiological conditions
  • Materials science as it relates to drug, excipients, and drug delivery system efficacy.
  • Emerging techniques and technologies for drug delivery including theranostics, precision medicine, and artificial intelligence

Submission of a manuscript to Molecular Pharmaceutics implies that the same work has not been previously published, including as part of a public electronic database (preprint servers like bioRxiv and ChemRxiv are permissible), and is not under consideration for publication elsewhere. In addition, there must be no legal restrictions to publication, e.g., patent activities, at the time of submission.

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Nano Letters

ISSN: 1530-6984eISSN: 1530-6992

Nano Letters is a forum for reporting original results on fundamental, applied, and emerging research in all areas of nanoscience and nanotechnology that require rapid dissemination. A chief criterion to fit within the scope of Nano Letters is the convergence of at least two different areas or disciplines. Areas of interest to the journal include:

  • Quantum, electronic, and nanophotonic materials and phenomena
  • Energy conversion and storage materials and electrocatalysis
  • Smart and flexible nano-electronic devices
  • Nanomedicine and nano-biotechnology
  • Applications of nanomaterials in living and environmental systems
  • Advanced and integrated nanoscale characterization tools
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Organic Letters

ISSN: 1523-7060eISSN: 1523-7052

Organic Letters is the leading journal in the field of organic chemistry, serving as an international forum for quickly publishing brief reports on cutting-edge research, creative approaches, and innovative ideas on a broad range of topics:

  • Organic chemistry (including organometallic and materials chemistry)
    • New synthetic methodology
    • Catalysis
  • Physical and theoretical organic chemistry
  • Natural products isolation and synthesis
  • Bioorganic and medicinal chemistry
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Organic Process Research and Development

ISSN: 1083-6160eISSN: 1520-586X

Organic Process Research & Development serves as a communication tool between industrial chemists and chemists working in universities and research institutes. As such, OPR&D reports original work from the broad field of industrial process chemistry and chemical engineering but also presents academic results that are relevant, or potentially relevant, to scale up and industrial applications. The journal places an emphasis on science that enables the safe, environmentally benign, and ultimately economical manufacturing of organic compounds that are required in larger amounts to help address the needs of society. 

The journal encompasses all aspects of organic and organometallic chemistry and process research...

  • Synthetic methodology development and strategy exploration
  • Catalysis
  • Medicinal chemistry
  • Analytical chemistry and work-up tools
  • Flow chemistry and process design
  • Process safety
    ...serving these industrial sectors:
  • Pharmaceuticals
  • Agrochemicals
  • Electronics
  • Flavors and Food Additives
  • Fragrances, Cosmetics, and Personal Care Products
  • Specialty polymers
  • Petrochemicals
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ISSN: 0276-7333eISSN: 1520-6041

Organometallics is the flagship journal of organometallic chemistry and records progress in one of the most active fields of science, bridging organic and inorganic chemistry. For the purposes of this journal, an "organometallic" compound is defined as one in which there is a bonding interaction between one or more carbon atoms of an organic group or molecule and a main-group, transition, lanthanide, or actinide metal atom (or atoms). Following longstanding tradition, organic derivatives of the metalloids (such as boron, silicon, and the like) are included in this definition. Furthermore, manuscripts dealing with metal-containing compounds that do not have metal–carbon bonds will be considered if there is a close relationship between the subject matter and the principles and practice of organometallic chemistry. The journal publishes fundamental studies and work that pushes toward translational research on the synthesis, structure, bonding, chemical reactivity, and reaction mechanisms for a variety of applications:

  • Catalyst design and catalytic processes
  • Main-group, transition-metal, and lanthanide and actinide metal chemistry
  • Synthetic aspects of polymer science and materials science
  • Bioorganometallic chemistry.
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Photon Science

eISSN: 2998-8799

Photon Science is a highly interdisciplinary open access journal focusing on, but not limited to, scientific studies of chemical transformation and energy materials based on photon, electron, and neutron facilities. The word "photon" here is representative of particles in modern scientific facilities.Photon Science also reports breakthroughs in instrumentation, methodology, and big-data research with demonstrations or potential for chemistry and material science.

Photon Science welcomes submissions on topics such as, but not limited to:

  • Chemical and material science based on modern particle facilities including synchrotron radiation, free-electron laser, high-power ultrafast laser, electron, and neutron sources.
  • Fundamental photon science for understanding photon-matter, electron-matter, and neutron-matter interactions for studying structural, chemical, and physical properties in both experimental and theoretical disciplines.
  • Energy research based on photon science, including catalysis, batteries, fuel cells, and photovoltaics.
  • Technological material research based on photon science, including lithography, semiconductors, magnetic, multiferroic, organic, and extreme-condition materials.
  • Life science research based on photon science, including structures of subcellular structures, living cells and tissues, as well as their interactions and functions.
  • Materials and devices for photon science applications, including photonics, plasmonics, nonlinear optics, quantum optics, optoelectronics, detectors, and sensors.
  • Instrumentation developments, demonstrations, and milestones of large photon, electron, and neutron science facilities.
  • Methodology for processing and analyzing photon science data, including real-time big data processing, database, autonomous experiments, theoretical calculations, computing simulations, and machine learning algorithms.

Photon Science is an open access journal. APCs for publication will be waived for all manuscripts accepted before Dec 31, 2027 after robust peer review.

Polymer Science & Technology

eISSN: 2997-3279

Polymer Science & Technology aims to disseminate research that advances polymer knowledge and bridges the gap between polymer research and the sustainable solutions our society urgently needs. We are building a community-driven platform that values both the depth of academic rigor and the breadth of interdisciplinary collaboration.

Precision Chemistry

eISSN: 2771-9316

Chemical research focused on precision enables more controllable, predictable, and accurate outcomes, which in turn drive innovation in measurement science, sustainable materials, information materials, personalized medicines, energy, environmental science, and countless other fields requiring chemical insights.

Precision Chemistry is an open access journal that provides a unique and highly focused publishing venue for fundamental, applied, and interdisciplinary research aiming to achieve precision calculation, design, synthesis, manipulation, measurement, and manufacturing. It is committed to bringing together researchers from across the chemical sciences and the related scientific areas, to showcase original research and critical reviews of exceptional quality, significance, and interest to the broad chemistry and scientific community.

Specific topics of interest may include, but are not limited to:

  • Precision and controllable chemical synthesis with high selectivity and efficiency
  • Molecular engineering for highly-complex, multifunctional molecular systems (molecular machines and devices etc.)
  • Controllable self-assembly strategy with precisely defined structures and dimensions
  • Precision macromolecular and supramolecular systems
  • Precision nanotechnology and nanomanufacturing
  • Function-oriented design and fabrication of materials
  • Tunable catalysis with high efficiency
  • Precision sensing, imaging and characterization of molecules and chemical reactions
  • Theoretical studies with high accuracy and computational efficiency (atomistic simulations of chemical, biological and materials systems)
  • Precision Chemistry in life science and medicine (genome editing, protein and enzyme engineering, molecular diagnostics, targeted therapeutics, etc.)
  • Precision Chemistry in energy and environmental science (energy conversion, energy storage, water resources, environmental remediation, carbon neutrality, etc.)

APCs are automatically waived for all articles submitted by December 31, 2025, if they are accepted after peer review.

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The Journal of Organic Chemistry

ISSN: 0022-3263eISSN: 1520-6904

The Journal of Organic Chemistry welcomes original contributions of fundamental research in all branches of the theory and practice of organic chemistry. In selecting manuscripts for publication, the editors place emphasis on the quality and novelty of the work, as well as the breadth of interest to the organic chemistry community. Manuscripts with a focus on the following topics along with guidance are included below. The scope of organic chemistry is broader than these several areas of research and the Editorial Board is consistently welcoming and evaluating manuscripts addressing topics in addition to these. Guidelines for specific focus areas are as follows:

  • Single or multistep synthetic methods and total synthesis protocols that demonstrate strategies, transformations, or shortened routes to target structures with conceptual novelty
  • Mechanistic studies (experimental or theoretical) that show methodological advances or provide novel insight into the course of chemical reactions.
  • Natural products isolation and identification studies that report unusual skeletal features, improvements in methods for structural determination, or insights into biosynthetic pathways.
  • Manuscripts with elements of biological study, analytical chemistry, functional molecules and systems, or materials science should demonstrate novelty in those aspects associated with the organic chemistry portion of the work being reported.
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The Journal of Physical Chemistry A

ISSN: 1089-5639eISSN: 1520-5215

The Journal of Physical Chemistry A: Molecules, Clusters, and Aerosols; New Tools and Methods in Experiment and Theory

The Journal of Physical Chemistry A (JPC A) publishes experimental, theoretical, and computational research on the physical chemistry of molecules, ions, radicals, clusters, and aerosols. JPC A emphasizes applications in the areas of atmospheric and environmental chemistry, aerosol processes, molecular geochemistry, combustion, astrochemistry, plasmas, cold molecules, catalysis, and energetic materials, among others. JPC A also publishes manuscripts that describe new tools or methods that are of broad interest to the physical chemistry community. 

An essential criterion for acceptance of research articles in the Journal is that they provide new physical insight. Please refer to this Collection on what constitutes new physical insight. Manuscripts that are essentially reporting data or applications of data are, in general, not suitable for publication in JPC A. However, section A4 includes articles on New Tools and Methods in Experiment and Theory where the requirement for new physical insights is relaxed.


  • A1 Structure, Spectroscopy, and Reactivity of Molecules and Clusters
  • A2 Aerosols; Environmental and Atmospheric Chemistry; Astrochemistry
  • A3 Combustion and Plasma Chemistry
  • A4 New Tools and Methods in Experiment and Theory

If you are unsure about whether your manuscript fits within the scope of JPC A, please contact the Editor-in-Chief ( This Collection provides tips for creating high impact experimental and theory/computational manuscripts. Editorials with guidelines on computational and theory research can be found below:

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