ACS Applied Bio Materials is an interdisciplinary journal publishing original research covering all aspects of biomaterials and biointerfaces including and beyond the traditional biosensing, biomedical and therapeutic applications.
The journal is devoted to reports of new and original experimental and theoretical research of an applied nature that integrates knowledge in the areas of materials, engineering, physics, bioscience, and chemistry into important bio applications. The journal is specifically interested in work that addresses the relationship between structure and function and assesses the stability and degradation of materials under relevant environmental and biological conditions.
Sample research topics:
ACS Applied Polymer Materials is an interdisciplinary journal publishing original research covering all aspects of engineering, chemistry, physics, and biology relevant to applications of polymers.
The journal is devoted to reports of new and original experimental and theoretical research of an applied nature that integrates fundamental knowledge in the areas of materials, engineering, physics, bioscience, polymer science and chemistry into important polymer applications. The journal is specifically interested in work that addresses relationships among structure, processing, morphology, chemistry, properties, and function as well as work that provide insights into mechanisms critical to the performance of the polymer for applications. Sample research topics that span the journal's scope are but not limited to:
The journal also considers novel approaches to the synthesis of new and existing polymers that are designed for specific applications.
ACS Macro Letters is the leading forum for the dissemination of urgent macromolecular and bio-macromolecular research. ACS Macro Letters welcomes research across many fields, from chemistry to physics to biology, including polymer engineering, polymer processing, and applications of polymers. Submissions to ACS Macro Letters typically contain strong elements of innovation and important experimental/theoretical approaches that demonstrate a fundamental advance in the understanding of polymers.
Topics covered by ACS Macro Letters include, but are not exclusively limited to:
ACS Polymers Au is an open access journal publishing original, cutting-edge, and impactful research on all aspects of polymer science and related cross-disciplinary areas. The journal publishes all areas of macromolecular and soft matter science and their applications, including:
Manuscripts should highlight innovation and advances in the fundamental understanding of polymers through studies of:
Manuscripts that report studies integrating fundamental knowledge into important polymer applications and their performance are also welcome.
Biomacromolecules is the leading forum for the dissemination of cutting-edge research at the interface of polymer science and biology. Submissions to Biomacromolecules should contain strong elements of innovation in terms of macromolecular design, synthesis and characterization, or in the application of polymer materials to biology and medicine.
Topics covered by Biomacromolecules include, but are not exclusively limited to:
Macromolecules publishes original, fundamental, and impactful research on all aspects of polymer science. Typical papers published in Macromolecules showcase important and innovative concepts, experimental methods/observations, and theoretical/computational approaches that demonstrate a fundamental advance in the understanding of polymers.
Topics of interest include, but are not exclusively limited to:
Polymer Science & Technology aims to disseminate research that advances polymer knowledge and bridges the gap between polymer research and the sustainable solutions our society urgently needs. We are building a community-driven platform that values both the depth of academic rigor and the breadth of interdisciplinary collaboration.